"Achievement Through Application"

Prior to founding IHS Consultations, Dr. Michael Cooke worked for many years as an educator. During this time, he taught at several colleges and universities, developed courses and curriculums, advised students and researched advanced instructional methods. Since founding IHS, Dr. Cooke remains a staunch advocate for a strong educational background and lifelong learning. He also continues to work with students from Middle School to Post-Graduate Study, directly. Over the years, he has had the opportunity to examine many textbooks and other learning materials from an educator's perspective and evaluate student performance as they utilize these different tools. This research clearly points to a direct link between student success and educator utilization.

Early in 2013, it was decided that IHS would focus a significant effort to improve the landscape of educational materials in a more direct and profound way. This led to the establishment of the Educational Development Group (EDG). EDG has as its goal the development of educational content that is accurate, challenging, engaging and utilizes the most advanced instructional techniques and methodologies. It is our mandate to improve the learning process for the greatest number of students possible and provide educators with materials that enhance the instructional experience.

In order to fulfill this mandate and reach these goals, EDG has recruited and assembled a group of exceptionally qualified content writers, the Educational Content Writers Team, project managers, and other educational professionals.

EDG is always looking for high quality writers. If you are interested in joining the  The Educational Content Writers Team or just want more information about EDG please contact us at:
